FR-44 Certificate of Financial Responsibility

FR 44

Florida requires a FR-44 Insurance certificate state filing for drivers who have been convicted of a DUI or a DWI. FR44 Insurance is a financial responsibility insurance certificate and requires minimum limits for liability of $100,000/$300,000 for bodily injury and $50,000 for property damage. If the FR-44 Certificate is not maintained, the Department of Motor Vehicles can suspend driving privileges, ability to register vehicles in the state, and prevent the obtaining of state decals. Motorcycle owners are also required to file a FR-44 Insurance Certificate. 

calculator car

The Breakdown

How long do I need one?

The State of Florida decides the exact time limit case by case but in most cases it is a three year period. 

How much does it cost?

Insurance prices are determined by factors like age, location, driving record, and claims history. The most accurate rate will be requesting a quote from an insurer. 

What information do I need on hand?

Firstly, you will need your driver’s license and vehicle information. Also, provide your insurer with your case number so that the FR-44 Insurance form will be issued correctly. If you also have your DUI/DWI conviction date available, that would be helpful information. 

If I don’t have a vehicle can I get a FR-44 Certificate?

Yes, you can purchase a non-owner FR-44 policy. For more details contact an insurer. 


Any More Questions

Elementary Insurance Agency is here to answer your questions about a FR-44 Certificate or anything else. 

Contact Information:

phone (813) 212-8505

fax (813) 514-1259



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