Earth Day

Earth day

Earth Day is an annual event to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First held on April 22, 1970, the first Earth Day was focused on the United States. In 1990, Denis Hayes, the original national coordinator in 1970, took it international and organized events in 141 nations. Learn more about the history and current status of Earth Day here.  

Online Billing


On Elementary’s website, all the carriers we cover have ways that bills can be paid either online or on the phone. The links are available under the “About Us” tab inside the “Our Carriers” section. Find your carrier and either call or make a payment online in order to slim down the paper usage. 

Green Tips

We at Elementary would like to give some green tips for our customers in order to promote Earth Day. Some of the tips are green home tips and others are green lawn tips.

Look into LEED - Certified Homes

It is awesome if homes are eco-friendly and have energy-saving features. Some homes, if you are a new buyer, are “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” homes and you should look into them. This is a benchmark in green building by the U.S. Green Building Council. They might cost a little more, but if you're in the place long enough, you'll get that money back. And then some.

Unplug your Appliances

Did you know that leaving your appliances plugged in when they’re fully charged can waste a ton of energy? Regularly clearing out your outlets could save you upwards of $200 a year on energy costs. That money also translates to big savings for the environment, so make sure to be intentional with how you charge.

Add Mulch to Planting Beds

Mulch helps keep soil moist and reduces weeds. To prevent rot, avoid piling mulch against plant stems and tree trunks. Making mistakes when mulching can keep your soil from reaping benefits such as conserving moisture, suppressing weeds, reducing erosion and decreasing water runoff.

Water at the Right Time

Avoid watering between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to prevent water loss from evaporation caused by peak sunlight. Instead, quench your flora’s thirst either early in the morning or late evening.This is the best time to water your garden because it works with the plants' natural growth cycle. The plants are ready to drink early in the morning, when the sun is up but not quite high in the sky.

Call us for a Quote

Elementary is focused on helping you increase your savings, raising your deductible, providing you with discounts and applying credit as much as possible. Learn more about Elementary homeowners insurance products, or if you’re ready to take the next step, call (813) 212-8505 for a FREE no obligation quote.


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