Annual Coverage Review and Home Inventory

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Whether you’ve moved into a new home or you’ve been rooted for many years taking the time to review your policy is a simple way to ensure you're properly covered. As your life changes your insurance coverage should change with it. From renovations and new purchases to updated appliances, make sure there are no gaps in your coverage. Here are some ideas you can consider when renewing your insurance policies:

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Inventory your Home

Creating and updating your home inventory is a great way for you to make the most of your policy. A detailed list of personal possessions will help you choose the right amount of coverage and assist with filing a claim, should the need arise. Now that you know the benefits of managing a home inventory, here is how you can get started:

  • Choose if you prefer a written, digital or visual record of your possessions

  • Note possessions as you pack to move somewhere new

  • Note one room at a time

  • Note items when you redecorate

  • Note items in storage also

  • Count clothes by category

Include as many of the following items as possible in your home inventory. Discuss which items of yours are covered with your local insurance agent.

  • Item description

  • Make, model, serial number

  • Appraisals, cost at time of purchase and estimated replacement cost today

  • Where and when it was purchased

  • Receipts

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Talk with your Agent

Your agent is a great outlet to answer all your questions when it comes to your current or potential coverage. 

  • Ask about discounts

  • Ask about bundling

  • Mention renovations or landscaping

  • Manage your deductibles

  • Review replacement cost or actual cash value coverage

Elementary Insurance Agency makes insurance simple for you. Call Elementary today at 813-212-8505 to talk about products, coverages or quotes.


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