Why Should You Call Your Insurance Agent Before Filing a Claim?

If there has been damage done to your property or your possessions that you think could possibly be claimable, be sure to call our agent first. There are many reasons why we at Elementary need to be your first phone call. Some of the reasons are due to specific policy information, communication, and contacts that are available. Policy Information We as your agents at Elementary know everything about your policy. Specific coverages and the deductible information as well. How much you pay annually for insurance How much your deductible is - the amount you pay out of pocket before an insurance company will pay a homeowners claim Whether you’ll be covered for the costs of temporary living expenses, if your home is uninhabitable and for how much Amount of time you have to file a homeowners claim after an incident occurs Communication Needs The Elementary Insurance agency wants to always have open lines of communication with our clients. We can also help you decide whether t...